New to LWG?

If you’re new to LittleWarGame, it’s most likely that you have no clue where to start to play the game. For help playing the game, the current FAQ of the entire game (which I stole MEHEHEHEHE) is below. Happy reading!

Table Of Contents

  • Basics / How 2 Play
  • About me (the developer)
  • Performance
  • Menu & Buttons
  • Singleplayer
  • Multiplayer
  • Load Replay
  • Map Editor
  • Matchmaking
  • Custom AI
  • Firefox not scrolling up sometimes
  • Chrome fullscreen message
  • Other Bugs

Basics / How 2 Play

Littlewargame is a Real-Time-Strategy game. You control an Army of units and buildings and your goal is to eliminate the opponent players. A player is elminated, when all of his buildings are destroyed. You can select units or buildings by simply left-clicking them or dragging a box around them. Right click somewhere will order all the currently selected units to move there. For advanced orders you have to use the buttons in the bottom right side of the screen. Select a unit and press one of the buttons and then (if the order requires a target) left-click somewhere.

You usually start with a castle and a couple of workers. Select your workers and right click on a gold mine (theres usually one not far from your castle): your workers will start to mine gold and bring it to your castle. Gold ist the only ressource in Littlewargame and allows you to construct buildings, train units and research technologies. Your castle can train additional workers to get more income. Select it and click the “Train Worker” button at the bottom right and your castle will start to train a worker. When the Worker is done, select it and right click the Goldmine to tell it to mine gold. To not have to do this everytime a Worker has been trained, you can select your Castle and right click the Goldmine. Now all the Workers trained from this Castle will automatically start mining gold. Workers can also construct buildings. Select a worker, and click the “Buildings” oder button and you will see a couple of new buttons, each of them representing a building you can construct. Some of them are not available yet, because they have certain requirements. In the start its useful to make a house, so do that. Click the “Build House” button and then click somewhere, where you want to make the house. The worker will go there and contruct the house. If you look at the top right of your screen, it says something like “7/10”. This is your population (sometimes also called “supply”). You currently have 7 population and the maximum is 10. Workers take up 1 population each, most other units take up 2. At the point you will have 10 workers, you wont be able to spawn another one. A house adds an additional 10 to our max population, so after the house finishes, it will say “7/20”, which means you are now able to have a maximum of 20 workers. The overall maximum population is 100. The house has another function, it allows you to make a barracks. Select a worker and make a Barracks. When the Barracks is finished, we can start to train fighting units. Once you have a bunch of fighting units, you can attack your opponent. Select your fighting units, click the “Attack” button and click somewhere on the ground. This will order your units to go to this position, but attacking any enemy units, they see, while going there. You can also right click on a single enemy unit, which will order your units to attack this specific unit, but this is often not a good way to fight, since especially your melee units will sometimes fight very inefficient this way, trying to reach a specific enemy unit that they cant reach. Most of the time, you want to click “Attack” and click somewhere on the ground behind the opponents army. Those are the basics of Littlewargame. Of course there are more buildings, units and abilties. You can find out about them by just playing the game, reading the wiki or talking to other players.

About me (the developer)

Hi, Im jbs and Im the developer of this game. I am an indie developer from germany. I started working on Littlewargame in summer 2013. Since then Ive been constantly working on the game and I plan to continue doing so. I dont make money from the game currently. I would love to do so one day, but I dont know if I ever will. So or so, the main reason Im doing this is, because I love it and Im trying to make the game the best it can be.


Littlewargame is, even though the graphics are rather simple, a full complex real-time-strategy game. RTS games usually take up quite some performance. This, combined with the fact, that it runs in a browser environment, can sometimes lead to poor performance, even on strong PCs. Making a performance-demanding game for the browser contains the problem of hundreds of possible browser/operating-system combinations, that users can be on. It is very hard to optimize the game for all of them. I try my best and constantly am improving the performance of the game, but it is still far from perfect. If the game runs slow for you, even though you have a decent computer, you might want to try a different browser. Sometimes the game runs a lot better for example on chrome than on firefox. Also certain browser add-ons / plugins can slow down the game. Try deactivating some of them. If all this still doesnt help, Im sorry, all I can say is, Im constantly working on improving the performance of the game.

If you experience lag / slow gamespeed in multiplayer games, but your game runs fine in singleplayer mode, its often another player slowing down the game. In a multiplayer game, the game has to run the same speed for all the players.

All the game modes are accessible from the main menu screen via the buttons in the bottom right.


Play a game with / against AI opponents. If you click the button, a window will pop up showing all the available maps. Most of them are created by users and theres a big variety. Select a map you like and you will be going to the game lobby. Here you can add or remove AI players and set teams. Once youre done, click start and the game will begin.


Works the same as singleplayer. The difference is, once you created the game lobby, the game will show up in the games list and other human players can join it by clicking on it.

Load Replay

After you finished playing a game, you will see a statistics window. That window also contains a “save Replay” button. Clicking that allows you to save the games replay to a file. Later, you can click the “Load Replay” button to watch a replay.

Map Editor

The map editor allows players to create their own maps. You can place units, buildings, cliffs, trees and several other things. If you click the Data button, you can change all of the units / buildings / abilities values or create new ones. The Data section is a very powerful tool and allows you to create totally new games. Once youre finished with your map, you can upload it to the server, which will allow anybody to see and play it. Before you upload your map, click the “Settings” button and set a name and a description for it. If you upload a map again, it will overwrite the old one.


If you start matchmaking, the game will automatically search an opponent for you to play in a 1v1 match. Once an opponent is found, the game will start straight away. After the game the winner will gain ranking points, while the loser loses ranking points. The game always tries to match players of equal strength against each other. So the more you win, the stronger your opponents will be. After youve played 5 games, you will be placed into a league. You can be promoted to higher leagues, if you win a lot or be demoted to a lower league, if you lose too much.

Custom AI

In Littlewargame it is possible to write your own AI using javascript. You can get more information here.

Firefox not scrolling up sometimes

This is a known issue. In Firefox sometimes scrolling up (with the mouse cursor) doesnt work. Its because of a Firefox bug and actually I cant do anything about it. If its too annoying, then i suggest using Chrome instead. You also can scroll by pressing and holding the middle mouse button and moving the mouse.

Chrome fullscreen message

If you play in fullscreen mode (F8) using chrome you will sometimes see some small annoying info box. Unfortunately theres nothing i can do about it, but theres another way to fix it. See here for more info.

Other Bugs

There are many different browsers and operating systems out there. Unfortunately its nearly impossible to make sure the game runs perfect on all of them. I try my best to fix every bug that gets reported but there will always be (luckily mostly minor) issues. If you experience some sort of bug or unwanted behavior, you may try to run the game in a different browser. It can also help to disable certain plugins and / or adblock. There have been cases where those caused issues.

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